Dear friends,
I’ve received many requests from foreign students asking for a topic for English conversation on F247. So, I’ve created this topic to provide a place where students can discuss not just related to the stock market, but also everyday life experiences. Please feel free to share interesting stories from your life, chat with each other, and so on. Let’s make this a fun and informative place!
You are welcome to use English in your comments and make friends with Vietnamese friends on F247. I think it would be a good chance to learn more about Vietnamese culture and cuisine!
If you have any helpful ideas, please share them with everyone. I appreciate your participation and look forward to hearing more from you.
It’s also a great opportunity for Vietnamese students to improve their English skills. So don’t hesitate and start talking to each other. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from people all over the world.
In addition, remember to stay healthy, focus on your work, and spend time loving and taking care of your family. If you’ve been holding onto any stress or worries for a while, it’s time to let them out. You can share them with people you trust (like your friends, parents, siblings, etc.), who will be more than happy to listen and help you out. Talking about your problems can help you feel better, and your friends and family will be there to support you
Let us say good-bye,
say good-bye, to meet again soon.
We meet today.
We will meet again tomorrow.
We will meet at the source every moment.
We meet each other in all forms of life.
There are some topics that should not be discussed. These comments may be considered for notification to the moderators for handling. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." These are necessary in order to ensure that everyone who visits WINTY’s house is welcomed in a respectful and fair way. I hope everyone will be polite and respectful to one another when discussing this topic.
I’m sorry I won’t be able to visit often, but I will try to do so when I have the time. I’ll be grateful if Karol (@Chanel) and @Rhiana can help me manage this topic. I would like to indicate my approval about the topic. I believe that deep learning lessons and knowledge will still be discussed on other platforms.
+++ Thank you for your understanding that we may experience some delays due to the time difference.
+++ I have a small survey for you. Please choose up to 3 people you are interested in after interacting with them in F247. The results of this survey are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as any other meaning.
- Suzy & Moderators
- Sieucophieu12345 (A7)
- Rongdo007
- An_Danh
- Bach_nam
- Mr_Bill_G
- Oceanfutureman
- TruongTamGia (A3) & AVHs group
- Jean & other Jeans
- Songda
- Ngocbinh
- Andjku
- Others
0 người bình chọn
*Khảo sát chỉ mang tính tham khảo cho những bạn mới. Mọi người không nên cãi nhau vì những vấn đề không liên quan đến chủ đề nha.
Friends who are tagged.
@ThienDi123 @mechuot @Meminmun @tomtom @Suong_Pham @bora @tanco @HoangTony @Foxx @Starcemt @Ican @Sa_Hoai @Soiden6789 @Quyen_Nguyen3 @Hoang_Nga1 @Peter-2010 @Thang116 @An_Danh @giang247 @dontask @Spiritvn @Nya_Nya @dangkhoa2020 @NGUACON @7Up @Annhien89 @trantaivvk @Timing @Bluesky6 @ABC456 @HaThu @Hwavy @Luongvophong @garung86 @Heovang @Liti @Thoc @Jenna-123 @Myanh79 @tomtom @DangCorleone @Binminwin12 @Annabel @Dieukhanh3010 @RubyK @TieuBach @Mocdiep211 @phuongus @oishi @Paris @junjun @Rhiana @Hanhtrinhnanghang @Haiyan.ruan @urithanh @quychau1209 @Rhiana @Chanel @Iris_K @HuTieuNgon @Catherine @Mercedes @Mizzy @huynh_baongoc @huynh_huynhmai @honghanh_vvn @VinaCapital @DragonCapital @NovaGroup @CafeF @Jessy_Luu @Luka @Naruto @hoaithuong_pham @Vo_HaThanh @nguyenhoangsan @Dinh_Nhan @Wister_Walcott @ThanhNu_Tran @Matthias_fr @HariWon @DuongMinhNgoc @Vicent_Le @Steve_Nguyen @Martin_Hwang @Isabella_Fredi