I apologize sincerely for my carelessness. My web browser automatically translates all website content based on my current location, so I completely forgot that English is the language used on this site. I am sorry for this mistake, and I hope you can forgive me @ThanhNu_Tran
It’s okay! We understand that sometimes it’s necessary to use the local language in order to communicate effectively. However, please remember to show respect for the Vietnamese community when using this forum. We all have our own national forums for communication, and we should use them when possible. Thank you for understanding
Thank you so much for reminding me!
吉田さん、ご意見ありがとうございます。 来年のイベントはまったく異なるものになると確信しており、変更があれば最新情報をお知らせします。
@Yoneda_Miyo , we all enjoyed the festive evening. We only have a few days left before the new year, so make the most of your break and be sure to follow some changes with regard to WINTY’s management in some countries. This will make 2023 a different year than previous ones.
@Mariette_Devereaux , du weißt, es ist schon eine Weile her, seit ich zurück nach Kanada gekommen bin. Als ich von der Universität mit Lady Bear abschloss, folgte ich ihr nach Europa und ich betrachtete es immer als mein Zuhause. Ich bevorzuge immer noch die Atmosphäre dort gegenüber dem bitteren Kälte hier. Aber was könnte besser sein als mit ihr zusammen zu sein…
The picture is indeed very beautiful and meaningful, @Miguel_Phan . My sister did a great job and the party ended on a great note. However, I hope that you could have spent more time chatting with the new friends you made, as this could prove to be beneficial for your market research, along with Lady Bear’s guidance.
Haha ich weiß! Die Geschichte der beiden jungen Leute hat uns alle so fasziniert. Ich erinnere mich noch, als du mir von deinem ersten Treffen mit Winty erzählt hast und wie du dachtest, sie sei „der Liebling deines Herzens“. Es ist klar, dass nicht nur du dich so gefühlt hast – ich werde ein bisschen emotional, wenn ich nur daran denke, obwohl wir beide Frauen sind!
Dies sollte mit deinem Partner geteilt werden! Hah, ich weiß, wie viel du es genießt, Geschichten von Menschen aus der Nähe der Situation zu hören - es ist immer toll, alle noch so jung aussehen zu sehen und gemeinsam eine gute Zeit zu haben!
Haha @Ellie_Janelle Vielen Dank für deinen Vorschlag. Wie Winty gesagt hat: “Folge deinen Werten und schöne Dinge werden zu dir kommen.” Das gilt wirklich für jeden hier, besonders für Frauen!
ご提供いただきました情報に感謝いたします。 とても助かります。 WINTY事務局からの続報をお待ちしております。 どうぞお大事になさって下さい。
I really appreciate your advice, Ms. Karol. I was thinking the same thing you were thinking.
Since I joined international debates, everything has changed. It’s different than what’s happening in Vietnam, where I don’t have any comparisons, but it’s really nice to get helpful and specific advice from people with real expertise.
I’m trying to learn a new language to Lady Bear’s specifications, even though I’m already in my forties.
Hello @Miguel_Phan , I’m also learning a new foreign language at her request, and I find it really helpful when communicating in an international environment. I used to be indifferent to language learning, but now it’s a daily joy. You know, at our age, it’s hard to learn that, but to understand what the young people here say, it takes more effort. More specifically, I study with my son and daughter at home. It’s again a family bond.
Wow @Dinh_Nhan ! Learning a foreign language with your children is a great idea for any parent! I think it’s wonderful that you are taking this opportunity to bond with your kids and teach them something new. In my family, my children often teach me about the languages they are taught at school.
Hearing you say this reminds me that there are always ways to make learning something new more enjoyable and interesting. I’m so glad to know that every obstacle can be overcome if we think differently and adopt more creative methods.
@Bao_Ha , we have arrived and are waiting for you in the lobby in front of the library. Are you already here?
@Trang_Dai , please wait a moment. Someone will be coming to pick you up soon - her name is Rebecca. She’ll be more than happy to show you around and introduce you to everything you need to know about visiting the professor’s library. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Ms. @Rebecca ?! I know her, and I think she’s still in Europe after the mission with Iris. I’m sure it would be an honor for all of us to meet her here. Thank you @Bao_Ha
OK !
ok.feliz navida.
Thank you, Ms. Karol. I just saw your message and it made my day to be a part of this celebration and to see all of you. In Finland, it’s been very cold lately and it’s colder than ever before. I wish all of you a happy New Year!