Sorry @Catherine , I was wondering if you could tell me how many languages Ms. Karol is fluent in? I’m really impressed by the content she’s sharing with everyone here.
Hi Mr. Nguyen. I think it’s 4. English, French, German, and Spanish.
You’re missing a tooth. She knows Vietnamese too. One of her mother tongues.
Wait. I’ve seen her use Chinese in a few TED Talks by professors before.
Hi @matthieu_nguyen ,
She is fluent in six languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Of those, German and Vietnamese are her mother tongues.
Thank you, @Catherine. It’s truly amazing! That’s why she can manage all the Lady Bear’s work in Europe.
Hi me, but you gave a poem to Ms. Karol?! That’s so lame! Karl Marx was just a bad guy. He doesn’t deserve to be admired.
Only those who are dreaming can love him.
All those lies are coming from a cheater.
@Catherine You know that, right? I know Ms. Karol really hates poems. Most of them are just “empty words” and too impractical.
It seems like she’s not feeling well If Iris were here, she would know what to do.
You’re right. I’m just missing her and hoping she’ll come back soon. Even though there’s a lot going on, I still think about her all the time…
Oh my dear @Catherine . Our fearless leader is feeling down sometimes. We all have those days.
¿Me? Apenado @ThanhNu_Tran . Me estoy preparando para salir. Tengo muchas ganas de ver a esas dos chicas.
Lo que la Sra. Karol quiere que hagas también me intriga, Marc.
Tampoco estoy seguro de qué hacer. Solo sé que necesito llegar a tiempo y en el lugar correcto. Sra. Karol dice que sabré qué hacer cuando llegue el momento. De todos modos, no quiero meterme en problemas con la Sra. Venessa.