Thank you so much, WINTY and Ms. Washington! What you have prepared is perfect and I am confident that this year will be better, even if the difficulties remain. I am truly grateful for the young people who participated in the conversation. Iris was particularly impressive – she is a young and very intelligent girl.
@Trevor_us ! How’s the weather there? I really want to go skiing around this time - looks like so much fun!
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude for taking the time to speak with us. We truly appreciate your efforts and are so glad that you were able to help us. As a token of our appreciation, we have sent a letter of thanks to Lady Bear’s representative office in Denmark.
Hi Ms. Sarah! It was great to hear from you, and we appreciate the contact. Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year! I’m looking forward to visiting your office next week.
Oh nein…! Lady Bear erinnert sich überraschenderweise immer noch an diesen Moment. Sie saß hinter mir und ermahnte mich, still zu sitzen und Fragen zu stellen. Damals lernte ich auch das erste Mal Vietnamesisch (was ich jetzt leider vergessen habe). Wenn ich mir meine eigenen Fotos von vor 8 Jahren anschaue, wie süß und peinlich! o.O’’
Haha, warum Scham? @Mariette_Devereaux Du solltest dich so glücklich schätzen, die Gelegenheit gehabt zu haben, mit einer der berühmtesten religiösen Figuren in Vietnam - Thay Thich Nhat Hanh - zu plaudern! Was für ein Segen! Schätze diese Erfahrung - man bekommt nicht jeden Tag die Möglichkeit, jemanden von solcher Größe zu treffen. Genieße es!
Wow… das ist wirklich interessant zu wissen! Damals auf dieser Versammlung waren wir noch Kinder und jetzt sind wir alle erwachsen. Es ist erstaunlich, an die jungen Menschen zu denken, die jetzt von ihr mentorisiert werden, und in ein paar Jahren werden sie an der gleichen Stelle sein, an der wir vor so langer Zeit waren. Es ist so ermutigend zu sehen, wie weit wir alle gekommen sind!
Vielen Dank an alle, dass ihr solch wundervolle Erinnerungen zurückgebracht habt. Wenn ich zurückblicke auf mein Leben, sehe ich, wie viel ich gewachsen und verändert bin. Ich vermisse Thay sehr und es fühlt sich an, als wären sie wie Wolken im Wind, immer präsent in meinen Gedanken und Erinnerungen.
“When conditions are sufficient, a cloud transforms into rain, snow, or hail. The cloud has never been born and it will never die. This insight of signlessness and interbeing helps us recognize that all lives continue in different forms. Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is in transformation.” - Thay
Vielen Dank, Lady Bear, für alle Wunder, die du vor acht Jahren geschaffen hast
@Mariette_Devereaux . We were all once children, and it’s so inspiring to look back at the people who continued the values that Thay left behind - like the wonderful things Lady Bear did. When I think back to this image and quote, I’m moved. Miracles are all around us, and we’re so lucky to have all these amazing people in our lives, leading the way for us.
Thanks for everything! It’s been a challenging year, but it’s amazing that we’re still here, talking to each other.
Thank you so much, Mr. @Wister_Walcott ! We are delighted to be able to chat with you. This year, my dear friend Iris is not able to return to Vietnam, so we are making the most of the holidays together with my family. Your kind interest in Iris is truly meaningful and special to her.
@Catherine, I understand the uncertainty you may be feeling right now. With Ms Karol returning to Canada, it’s hard to know what the future holds. But don’t worry, Ms @Monica is here to support you until your European years are over. We’re sure that she will be able to help you with any issues that may arise, such as the recent Southern German financiers. Stay with her.
Sir Wacott, rest assured; I guarantee that everything will go smoothly and safely. It is my responsibility to ensure that all Vietnamese students in this continent are taken care of and that no harm will come to them. I take this responsibility seriously, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that all goes well.